Friday, 23 June 2017

Talent Management

Talent Management All this management is not an easy task, one has to have the prior knowledge and management skills. In this competitive world, there is a need to prove yourself before you perform and which is possible only by having HR Training in Chandigarh. This prior practical training would definitely help you gain knowledge and let you know how to manage. Talent Management being one of the major section of HR Management could be discussed...

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process Recruitment is a process of searching the most eligible and competent candidate for the organization. The whole process includes number of steps, after which the shortlisted candidates are confirmed to be employed. HR training in Chandigarh is the best place where you can learn and practice the Management skills. It is very much necessary to know the procedure in order to be a successful HR Manager. We are here to...

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Employee Data Maintenance

Employee Data Maintenance Employee data maintenance is one of the inevitable tasks for an HR Manager. Being an HR Personnel/ Manager one must employ a system to maintain each and every employee’s record. This approach of electronic record makes the task highly effective, efficient and easier source of maintaining the specific data. One can maintain the data hierarchy wise. Each employee will have a separate record as per their position.To...

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Learn what is the Interview Process with HR training in Chandigarh

      Learn what is the Interview Process with HR training in Chandigarh Today, we will learn about how Interview process will be handled by HR with Hr Training in Chandigarh.  Interview process is very important thing which have to be handled by HR. As with GOOD Selection of any employee or candidate the whole achievement of any goal of company is fulfilled. If the wrong employee get selected the whole...