Friday, 23 December 2016

Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process

The recruitment is the important part of human supply management. The recruitment is defined as the engaging of right candidates on right time at the right place in an association. The HR functions performed for the growth of an organization in the right direction. The Hr manager even the whole HR department is responsible for the fluctuations in the growth of an organization so you need to be the expert and smart to tackle each and every situation in an organization.

Recruitment Process
To understand the concept crystal clearly join the HR Training in Chandigarh. The recruitment is the process in which the HR department recruit candidates for the respective sections. Before the recruitment process, the Hr administration analyzed the job specification and then write the job description in which the functions and liabilities are defined accurately for the selective job. The candidates begging for the job are shortlisted meeting the acceptability criteria. The process of recruitment runs step by step which are as follows:

  • Recruitment devising- In the recruitment devising, the process of planning is done. In this process, the requirements for the vacant post is drafted in which the job specifications consists of starting date, Level of salary, roles, and responsibilities etc.

  • Policy extension- Finding out the strategies to be followed for recruiting the candidates and here according to the budget of the organization, the methods to be considered and also plan that whether to train the selected candidate or selected the experienced candidate. All these planning is done on this step.  

  • Hunting- The hunting refers to the screening of students, attracting the job seekers to the organization. The two sources are used to attract the candidates which are:
  • External sources
  • Internal sources

  • Screening- Most of the time we see that the screening is the first step in the recruitment process but the analysis of the job requirements and the shortlisting of candidates is must before screening process. It is an indispensable part of the recruitment process.

  • Evaluation and control- Analysis of a cost incurred in the recruitment process is much important. The  cost is  incurred in the following processes:
  • In paying the salaries of the  employee
  • Price of period used for brewing job analysis
  • Controlling costs

These all are some of the processes through which the Management can be able to recruit the right kind of people at the right place at the right time in the organization.To understand the concepts of the HR in detail do HR Training in Chandigarh provided by the CBitss Technologies.


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